Embedded You Tube Videos – How to remove related video previews

You Tube is excellent resource for educators to use with their students and for professional learning.  At the end of videos you may have noticed they have a “related videos” section to share other videos that may be of interest to the viewer.  This can be a useful resource if you are the viewer.  As an educator, however, you have to be aware of “related” videos that may be perceived as inappropriate.

I had such an instance happen today, as a video I helped a teacher of mine produce for a teacher training tip that we embedded into the school website had such an inappropriate “related” video right there at the end.  After doing some searching and trying a few things, I found a solution thanks to Miriam Schwab’s blog (www.illuminea.com).

There is a parameter that can be added to the embed code of the video (*Note* this can be done only with an embedded video, not on You Tube itself) to remove the related videos portion at the end.  The parameter is:

?rel=0  (rel stands for related videos, and 0 is a binary command which means No)

On a sample video, the code before inserting the parameter looks like this:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/sCh2T9axLyY?list=PLgM5FyJb22zyL68BvEHF6Iq4famgsIagf" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

and after...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/sCh2T9axLyY?list=PLgM5FyJb22zyL68BvEHF6Iq4famgsIagf?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Parameters that can also be changed within an embed code include: autohide, loop, removing a title, start, and several others.

Til next time...Happy Integrating!

The Tech Integrator

Copy/Paste Shortcuts in Google Docs

Trying to copy and paste text to or from a Google application is not difficult at all.  It is very much like copying and pasting in an Office document.  You may find, however, that you run into a bit of a snag in one situation.  If you are trying to copy and paste using the mouse and right click –> Copy or right click –> Paste, you may see this screen pop-up:

google drive app error


You can correct this by installing the Google Drive app.  An easier option is to use the keyboard shortcuts for copying and pasting.

On a Windows PC, use CTRL + X to cut, CTRL + C to copy, and CTRL + V to paste

If you are a Mac user, use Command + X to cut, Command + C to copy, and Command + V to paste.


The Tech Integrator